


1 min read

Your clients need something

3 min read

📙 Book: Client Bytes - Get More Clients

1 min read

Interview with Clarence Ho from Atlasopen

3 min read

Leverage your superpower

4 min read

AI and dev agencies

5 min read

Wearing many hats

3 min read

Avoiding Parkinson's Law

5 min read

My experience with burnout

6 min read

Interview with Nat Miletic from Clio Websites

3 min read

Handling toxic clients

5 min read

Setting boundaries

6 min read

Bug free software

5 min read

How to raise your prices

3 min read

Interview with Cody Benedetto from Modern Launch

5 min read

When to raise your prices?

3 min read

How much should you charge?

6 min read

How to balance technical debt

5 min read

5 common estimation mistakes

4 min read

Interview with Neil S Paul from Protorix

5 min read

Keeping your clients long-term

6 min read

How to meet your client's expectations

4 min read

Your agency's first hire

5 min read

Real-life networking

4 min read

7 tips for finding your first client

4 min read

Your agency's website

10 min read

5 lessons I learned selling my agency

4 min read

Managing scope creep

9 min read

Why agencies can thrive during a recession

2 min read

Interview with Steve Thomas of Coding Labs

4 min read

Pricing - equity and profit share

5 min read

Pricing - value based

4 min read

Pricing - fixed price + T&M hybrid

4 min read

Pricing - time and materials

4 min read

Pricing - fixed price

4 min read

Recurring revenue

8 min read

Interview with Carl Erickson of Atomic Object

8 min read

Ownership of code and intellectual property

3 min read

Living user story documentation

13 min read

Compete on quality

5 min read

Project workshops

13 min read

Referrals from friends and family

4 min read

My path from developer to agency owner

5 min read

Interview with Matt Stauffer of Tighten

7 min read

Do you need a co-founder to start an agency?

6 min read

Million dollar consulting

3 min read

Small can be great

3 min read

Think niche

13 min read

What's your end goal?

7 min read

You are the gold standard

3 min read

My small custom software development agency

5 min read

About Dev to Agency

1 min read